“Sasi Madanam” is a Telugu web series that premiered on ETV Win, featuring Pavan Sidhu and Soniya Singh in lead roles. The trailer created significant anticipation, and now that the series is out, let’s dive into the review.
The narrative centers around Madhan (Pavan Sidhu), a laid-back individual seeking quick money. His gambling habits lead to financial ruin and mounting debts. Desperate to escape his creditors, Madhan seeks refuge at his girlfriend Sasi’s (Soniya Singh) home. The plot takes a twist when Sasi’s parents unexpectedly return home.
While the story of “Sasi Madanam” is straightforward, the comedic interactions between Pavan and Soniya Singh stand out as the series’ highlight. The initial episodes are engaging, and filled with humor.
As the series progresses, it alternates between forced emotional moments and interesting scenes. The natural performances of Pavan Sidhu and Soniya Singh are the series’ strongest points.
In conclusion, “Sasi Madanam” offers decent entertainment, particularly for its comedic elements.